the only one...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

husbend & wifey

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

counting days

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

looking for bag??...i suggest go to "teetoo shop"at Sunway pyramid

ellooo peeps....

looking for
bag for ur outing???

& etc....

here i want to suggest u'ol ke "TeeToo" shop kt Sunway Pyramid

reason y??

sbb i like shopim at dis shop..kedai die kecik je n at corner lot..
tp ol the bag sgt gojes n affordable...
even die xbranded but kalo nk tukar2 bag tu blh la usha kt shop ni oke
material pn oke,design cantek n nmpk expensive..
itu yg penting...hohho..

keje kawen

da lame rsenye xberbelog..
mood tgh down...
kene setting dulo..
clik refresh for few times oke!


one of my fwen da pon selamat mendirikan rumah tgga dgn kekasih hati @ abg soldier oke!
sgt seronok spnjg perjalanan wlaupon agk penat menekan myak ngan cuace hujan lebat mcm nk banjir & jammed...

Alhamdulillah ktorg selamat smpai kt nurol hse lebey krg 7.30 mlm...

so,to Nurol congrats for ur lovely weding on dat day oke...

tgu turn aku coming soon oke!!...huhuh..


ko mmg gojes..heheheh..mekap mmg maveles giler...

sgt cantek!!!..

till then,..

p/s: moree pic??...pls go to my mukabuku..:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

today....housekeeping day

arini blh bgn tido lewat yeayy..
ni la mse yg di tunggu2 sekian lame...huh!! (T_T)
lgpon en.boypren da berangkat ke Indon pg kelmarin..
tgal la sy sorg2 kt M'sia..cewahhh..mcm cinte antara benua lak..

so, bile sorg2 mule la mati kutu..hsemate keje!!
sume kena wat sndiri..otak da xfunction spenuhnye..
xleh refer or tnye ape yg perlu di buat..over kn!!

even duk kt kl, tp ekcli agak boring sbb xtau nk ke mane..
gerak sket duit..duit..pahtu da la rmai org..huhu..

kegersangan mule melande jiwe,
otak berpusing2...nk mkn ape?..nk ke mane?..boring?..on9?
emmm...hah!, tbe2 otak tlh berfungsi..
ape kt kemas my room yg sgtlah messy..hihi..



mengape sy memilih cadar yg sgtlah plain???...

1)bcoz otak sy skrg sgt la plain..."0"..
2)sbb skrg mud n jiwe bercelaru sbb berada jauh di mate..
3)nk menenangkn hati yg lara sbb kalo tgk yg corak2 jd b'serabot kot..
4)ekceli, i like light maroon, tp kale ni je yg ade so rembat jela..wlaupon xla brape cun..hihi..jnji murah..

so, muke sgt penat n puas hti dgn keselesaan yg dirasai!!..huh..gedix!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

p.s-i love you!

Cite ni mmg besh oke! da byk kali repeat tgk story neh..sgt la touching n sweet bcos everyday her late husband left a msg for his lovely wife..owh,sgtla sweet...

nk tau ending cite dier mcmane, dptkan CD die d pasaran yg sah mahupon yg tidak sah oke!


wedges shoes

euwwww...lately nih minat telah beralih arah kepada shoes yg ade wedges..huahuahua
sgt kiut miut kasut2 di ats mcm sgt gojes kalo berada di kaki saye..heee..
btol x my dear fren???...da byk tmpt g survey,agak limited utk membeli wedges yg mcm nie mayb sbb design die or wat donno why..

gojes kan? wedges nie agak tinggi n kalo sy pkai of course menampakkan lg ketinggian n kelangsingan saye...:)...n amatlah tidak sesuwei kalo di pakai ketika berdating ngan en.boyfren sbb ketinggian en.boyfren amatlah tidak mengizinkan keadaan sbb sememangnye sy pon agak tgi orgnye bolehlah dikatakan ala2 model..huhuh...puji diri sndiri okeh!! bile pkai heels yg melebihi 3 inch...amatlah di larang sama tua2 ckp"duduk same rendah,berdiri same tinggi"..hahahha

...hihihi...ampun kan saya en.boyfren...

mood berbelog

owh..lately neh mcm xdek idea nk berbelog..
nk kne tgu mood or polish skit my mind bru syok sket nk berbelog..
da nk dkt year en nih,md-cm2 new n weird thing happen to me..
luckily most of it is a good thing...sumore ade jgk la not good redha je la...

*picture di ats xde kaitan dgn tajuk belog di ats okeyh!

Friday, November 20, 2009

1st baby 1st baby da blh kuar by nex year..huhu
So bank bru je kol n intebiu sket tnye mcm2 la...komplikated btol org kje bank neh..tsk..
Then, diorg pon da approve,cume tgu untk stock!
ohho,sgt teruje n excited okey!!..rse sgt kewl..oh no!!
InsyaAllah by nex year da blh touch dat baby..
jgn mare okeyh.

till then,


Saturday, November 7, 2009


Now i'm in dilemma...

~...just go on...or????


*hate dis feeling*

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the appraisal

name pon appraisal dat's mean da nk dkt year end..mcm2 diorg nk kete la,accessories la...kena isi repot la,wat Appraisal form la..puji dri sendiri..tsk..kunon2 utk increment nex year nye salary..ntah le labu,btol ke x..hoho

So, alhamdulillah fes time pegi stock count n wat repot ok yess,bleh buat..hoho...terer x saye? picca di ats tu juz to make blog saye xle membosankan...k lah no idea nk tulih pjg2 cz jam da pkol 10.30pm..time to get ready for tomolo...!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Bitter heart

Enjoy da lyrics

Sun rays come down as seen when they hit the ground,
Children spinning around till they fall down down down.
I wait for you: it's been two hours now,
You're still somewhere in town,
Your dinners getting cold.
I rest my case you are always this late,
And you know how much I hate waiting around 'round 'round,
Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside,
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin' just a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine.
And then you come and tell me the same reason as you did yesterday,
So tell me whats her name.
Doo doo da dum, doo doo da dum, doo doo doo doo doo doo da da dum dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum.
Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is just getting a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

da concert

Ni pic Yasin tgh nyanyi lagu "Nur Kasih"since jd addict kt cite Nur Kasih bile dgr lagu neh jerk trus mcm teruja n nganga mulot.huhuhuu...concert ni kt S.Alam...beh gile dgr sore de'all live sebijik mcm dlm tv tuh!!..terujer...excited... then ade jgk la few artis tp bese2 jela...hahahha


His name is "Mr.Cikey"

inikah rupaku???

getting old??...euwwww...takutnyer kt mmg semakin akan jd tua one,rase2 nye mcm manelah rupe kite nti tua erk??..chomel ker?..xlawa ker??...sume tu suspen je kan...hahahah...n one of my fwen tagged sy suro gune this application...bile da try la hasilnyer...

-muke en.b zaman dulo2 n muke sy di hari tua-uish,btol ker??

hahahaha...gelak guling2 bile tgk gambo nih...klako2...da mcm opah da n encik b lak..waaa...stylo bkn maen lgik...hudoh kah sy??...arghhh...tidak..ok ler tu skali skale ltak muke 10sen dlm blog kan...hahahahah

online shopper

dis is my fes time beli brg secara teruja n a bit excited n worried jgk..
da lame usha few shawl n berkenan ngan shawll kt ats...i bought this from nadenook blog.
orangy-lil hippy coral
yellowish-yellow warm stripez
easy gile nk paki juz belit2 je n sng nk bentuk..suke sgt!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

.An updated.

Now, i'm back again after few weeks not updated..heheh...ekceli byk bende nk cite nih but then time olmos jelez wit me..conclusion, i'm bz rite, for update i will share wat happen to me for last few week back...(-_-)

last week i went to "Taman Pertanian s.alam" for exercise bcoz i heard that dis place cam kewl for released ur stress..ekceli, i dont know where is the asked my mr.b search from google...terer kan..kan...but then, bile time nk pegi we' ol lost..huhuh...apela mr.b neh..pusing highway...msk tol..byr tol...msk tol lgik...msk klang town...bkn maen lg mr.b draw map..hampeh...ceit..hihihi..afta 1 hour lbey krg la..we ol jmpe la tmpat tu...ekceli,die dkt ngan s.alam town..kt ujung2 town pon taman..ofcoz cam hutan, enjoy da pic let's da pic tell u da story..

candid:-at Padi field..

nie rehat jp after cycling naik jln bukit2..peloh2 sy..tsk

at Taman Haiwan..Mr.b with anak kude yg chumel & kewl..

next station to go..

hihihi...sukenye saye..

luv dis cute..heeee


nie kt empangan ape ntah...lupelak..

pic taken by Mr.B


i'm really enjoyed dat day...penat n peloh2 tp suke sgat...tmpat die luas n byk tmpat yg chantek..ade byk taman, rumah empat musim,paintball n etc..nk tau pergi sendiri keyh..hihihi

if u ol nk naek bike, die kene sewa..cma RM3 PER HOUR..ok la time i will come again to dis place...(-_-)

Friday, October 9, 2009


Afta came back from hometown...few pimples tgh growing kt my faces..huh!!..tsk..yela, b4 that sume hentam je mkn...satay, kuah kcg le,belacan efeknye mcm pic kt bwh nih..

see, obvious gile pimples tu...tsknyer..da hilang glamer i kt opis..heheheh, so one of my ofismate suggest me to use "Clinique" product..bcoz she already used it for a few years..n die nyer skin complextion mmg flawless n glowing giler..comey!!

so ape lg..weekend trus g ngan en.hubby kt sunway pyramid n buy..

hopefully, it suitable wit my skin n no more pimples comes out from my face!!..insyaAllah..

pic terpakse di gelapkan skit supaya xnmpak sgt pimples tu..heee

ni tgh fill up form for new cust..papejela diorg neh..

dis is the worth to buy bcoz bottles die besar-besar n rsenyer 7 keturunan pon xhbes lg gune...over kn harap2 dis time xpyh change lg cleanser yg sesuwai n sbgnyer...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

-salam aidilfiti-

"selamat hari raya"-maaf zahir & batin...may all of us have a good n enjoyable moment for hari raya for 1 week wit a family-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

-duit di maner ko duit-

For dis coming hari raye...saye mmg out of baget..sbbnyer saye tlh memperabeskan duit membeli tudung "Ariani"...hasil rembatan saye memperolehi 5 helai tudung...huhu..habes dlm ratusan rengget..bile tgk purse...OMG!!..not enough solutionnyer...swipe je la..hihi..tmbah lg hutang saye ngan bank..owg bank makin kaye bile ade owg xsedar diri mcm saye..btol x org keje bank???..tssk....bile la nk hbes nih!!!...arghhh...tidak!!

ekcelli, hasil rembatan pon bkn utk saye je, tp untk my sis 1, utk diri sendirik 3..huhuh..n utk future mom in law 1..ok la tu kan..atleast sy ni x selfish..kihkih...5 bintang utk diri bile tgk blik financial...omg...xckp baget..alamk!!..en.hubby musti marah n membebel...diekn financial advisor xpnh dgr pon..huhuh..degil kan?, dis few week saye kena "super saver" ats instruction en.hubby..mkn n msk kt more outside dinner!!..after get nex month nyer salary bru leh lega sket...yela...nk raye xigt...ngan biskut raye la...duit raye la....blik kg,byk lak belanjenyer...time raye dala byk sale yg gile2..."JUALAN RUNTUH"!!...

sape xtergode iman neh...even syaitn da kene dirik sndirik lak jd dis wek, stay at home...n mari rmai2 org yg kekurangan duit mcm saye duk umh je...xpyh kuo...hihihi...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


today i feel very tired!!..dunno y....arghhhh.
at home, still have to do a lot of thing...
wash my clothes, online jap n after dat ready to go sleep lorr...

have to work again!!!

nite...i want to have a gud dream tunite...zzzzzzzz

break fast

Ekceli, one week ago da dis skrg bru nk cite sket dlm blog..huhu
ritu, after work around 5.30 pm cam gitu kuo naik kete Latio Ms.Leong tros shut ke Sunway g booked tmpt coz lom buk lg pdhal today nk break fast sme2..
da smpai sane igtkn pas cop tmpat leh g round2 kt sunway jp...
n then die nyer waiter ngan pekat gile dialek indon ckp
"ngaak boleh pergi ya buk,kalo ibuk tidak duduk di sini meja ini org laen akan duduk"
xbley blah..kalo blah diorg releasekn tmpt tu kt walk in, sayer ber 2 duk la kt c2 smpai la all guest smpai,,tu pon diorg smpai lg 5 menet nk azan..hampeh tol!!
naseb baek tmpt tu comel,cool n ade indon song sumore n ade picca yg menakutkan jgk!!
tp xsmpat nk snap byk pic sbb duk smbg2 je keje n menikmati hidangan yg besh n agak expensive...naseb org laen yg bayor..hiihhi
pic ni je smpat snap tu pon curik2..

ini gambo scary gile..mcm terbyg2 die bukak mate n tenung kt saye!
ade byk lg tp xsmpt nk snap!

wit felicia..
time ni da kyg n ready to go back coz saye nk kene drive lak blik umh..
ank dara bhaye drive mlm...xgitu???

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

-cat sayer-

saye sayang,cinte,windu....etc....etc....





dkt kucing saye sbb tgk pic bwh...



sbb dier sgt kiut n very lazy cat...nk g maen pon mls..kuo umh pon mls...duk berkurong je dlm umh n kuat TIDO...gedix x cat sayer....rse cam nk k0k je pale die...dlm washing machine pon leh jd port tido...ptt ler crik xjumpe...port baek punyer!!!!...hihihi...xbg owg mrh la tu...ishishish...kucing...kucing...sume binatng jeles kt die...dala xbg pape hasil pon..tido,mkn n maen je saye mmg suke kucing!!!....


Thursday, September 3, 2009

-lone ranger-

Hari ini dlm sejarah...reasonnyer sbb saye tlh berase diri ini berseorangan...bsenyer saye berkepit ngan enceik b je,blik keje pon same2..huhuh..over x sayer..kihkihkih,tp smlm enceik b ade function bukak posa, so terpakse la saye blik sorg2 n buke posa pon sorg2..
so, since da xtau nk g mane before bukak posa, so sye singgah la kt "Giant-k.jaya"
tibe2 rase diri mcm solo lak..hihih..
so,da pusing2 2 TERsinggah kt kedai jual shawl plak dah..
saje la 2 nk ngabeskan duit..
so dptler shoping 2 hlai shawl...
refer below pic

mate ni bekenan ngan yang creme plain n tortoise head nyer corak..hiihi

so,dah puas ati!!!..kene balik umah!

Pic below ni plak is my food for bukak posa..

look delicious rite?

mari makan yeyyyy!!!

dats all,no idea..otak kering!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

-next event-

Next event is i'm going to break fast wit my collick n my bos at "Ole-Ole Bali" Restaurant at Sunway Pyramid

so, sesuwei ngan name kedai ni 'ole-ole' yg agak chomel bg saye f course la decoration restaurant ni ala-ala Balinese style kan...kan..
so,rsenyer2 lebih kurg mcm decoration kt pic di bawah ni..

nice deco on each table including dier nyer light...wahhh..
sye sgt suke decoration!!!!
mcm xsabar nk ke sana for next event..heheheh..
leh mkn puas2 after whole day fasting n da best part is mkn beramai2..chinese ade, india ade n of course la malay pon ade...
saye rase saye telah berjaya menyahut seruan kerajaan kite iaitu"1Malaysia"
hopefully everythg doing fine.

bukak pose

last week me n my x-housemate berbuke posa bersame2 after few month not seeing each other after i moved out from cengal b-0-2..hekhekehekkk..even we only knoe each other for 1 years but we're cloz n still contact...they're one of my good fwen of mine..heheh...

so, we all meet at "D'Belanga" at da, bile da jumpe tu phmjela..laughing,gossiping,planning next gathering n etc, a part of me enjoy for dat day...
kite musti enjoy!!!u can c from above pic..saye mmg suke sengeh!!!