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Friday, August 13, 2010

my turn bile lg???

haloo....nini in da house.owh..da mcm ala-ala fafau gitu..ceit,,
picta-picta di atas tu ms las weekend before puase..tu pic mus n his fiance e-day..wahh,akceli saye amatlah suke bergambar dgn org gojes2 nih especially time ade wedding ke,engagement ke...diorg mmg lawa,mekap maveles..tumpang sekaki amik gambar..hehh,bile la nk cntik mcm diorg nih...hehe..xpe2,tgu my turn nti mesti lawa jgk mcm diorg ..(memujuk hati sendiri)...hee..
so lets da picture tell u da story...

lots of love....