the only one...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

husbend & wifey

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

counting days

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

looking for bag??...i suggest go to "teetoo shop"at Sunway pyramid

ellooo peeps....

looking for
bag for ur outing???

& etc....

here i want to suggest u'ol ke "TeeToo" shop kt Sunway Pyramid

reason y??

sbb i like shopim at dis shop..kedai die kecik je n at corner lot..
tp ol the bag sgt gojes n affordable...
even die xbranded but kalo nk tukar2 bag tu blh la usha kt shop ni oke
material pn oke,design cantek n nmpk expensive..
itu yg penting...hohho..

keje kawen

da lame rsenye xberbelog..
mood tgh down...
kene setting dulo..
clik refresh for few times oke!


one of my fwen da pon selamat mendirikan rumah tgga dgn kekasih hati @ abg soldier oke!
sgt seronok spnjg perjalanan wlaupon agk penat menekan myak ngan cuace hujan lebat mcm nk banjir & jammed...

Alhamdulillah ktorg selamat smpai kt nurol hse lebey krg 7.30 mlm...

so,to Nurol congrats for ur lovely weding on dat day oke...

tgu turn aku coming soon oke!!...huhuh..


ko mmg gojes..heheheh..mekap mmg maveles giler...

sgt cantek!!!..

till then,..

p/s: moree pic??...pls go to my mukabuku..:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

today....housekeeping day

arini blh bgn tido lewat yeayy..
ni la mse yg di tunggu2 sekian lame...huh!! (T_T)
lgpon en.boypren da berangkat ke Indon pg kelmarin..
tgal la sy sorg2 kt M'sia..cewahhh..mcm cinte antara benua lak..

so, bile sorg2 mule la mati kutu..hsemate keje!!
sume kena wat sndiri..otak da xfunction spenuhnye..
xleh refer or tnye ape yg perlu di buat..over kn!!

even duk kt kl, tp ekcli agak boring sbb xtau nk ke mane..
gerak sket duit..duit..pahtu da la rmai org..huhu..

kegersangan mule melande jiwe,
otak berpusing2...nk mkn ape?..nk ke mane?..boring?..on9?
emmm...hah!, tbe2 otak tlh berfungsi..
ape kt kemas my room yg sgtlah messy..hihi..



mengape sy memilih cadar yg sgtlah plain???...

1)bcoz otak sy skrg sgt la plain..."0"..
2)sbb skrg mud n jiwe bercelaru sbb berada jauh di mate..
3)nk menenangkn hati yg lara sbb kalo tgk yg corak2 jd b'serabot kot..
4)ekceli, i like light maroon, tp kale ni je yg ade so rembat jela..wlaupon xla brape cun..hihi..jnji murah..

so, muke sgt penat n puas hti dgn keselesaan yg dirasai!!..huh..gedix!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

p.s-i love you!

Cite ni mmg besh oke! da byk kali repeat tgk story neh..sgt la touching n sweet bcos everyday her late husband left a msg for his lovely wife..owh,sgtla sweet...

nk tau ending cite dier mcmane, dptkan CD die d pasaran yg sah mahupon yg tidak sah oke!


wedges shoes

euwwww...lately nih minat telah beralih arah kepada shoes yg ade wedges..huahuahua
sgt kiut miut kasut2 di ats mcm sgt gojes kalo berada di kaki saye..heee..
btol x my dear fren???...da byk tmpt g survey,agak limited utk membeli wedges yg mcm nie mayb sbb design die or wat donno why..

gojes kan? wedges nie agak tinggi n kalo sy pkai of course menampakkan lg ketinggian n kelangsingan saye...:)...n amatlah tidak sesuwei kalo di pakai ketika berdating ngan en.boyfren sbb ketinggian en.boyfren amatlah tidak mengizinkan keadaan sbb sememangnye sy pon agak tgi orgnye bolehlah dikatakan ala2 model..huhuh...puji diri sndiri okeh!! bile pkai heels yg melebihi 3 inch...amatlah di larang sama tua2 ckp"duduk same rendah,berdiri same tinggi"..hahahha

...hihihi...ampun kan saya en.boyfren...

mood berbelog

owh..lately neh mcm xdek idea nk berbelog..
nk kne tgu mood or polish skit my mind bru syok sket nk berbelog..
da nk dkt year en nih,md-cm2 new n weird thing happen to me..
luckily most of it is a good thing...sumore ade jgk la not good redha je la...

*picture di ats xde kaitan dgn tajuk belog di ats okeyh!