the only one...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

husbend & wifey

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

counting days

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 28, 2010

he's coming back!!!...i likey

yeeeayyyyy....esok dia smpai kt Tanah Air xsabar giler okeyh nk g jemput kt KLIA..xthn tu hubby pesan wat signage besar2 lg utk die..eksen tahap gaban!!..2mgu mcm mereng sket otak..gedix!!..ahakss...finally, he's coming back,tonite his flight mayb delayed!!...oh shit#%$@^&^!!
hehehehe....k la gud nite everybody..esk nk wake up early to fetch him!...excited sorang2..sian aku...meroyan xhabes!!!...hahahahaha

till then,

Friday, February 26, 2010


kalo la sy ade duit banyak.....

my mission & target to shoot-

suke nye kalo ade org bg hadiah kew,bg free ke,jual murah2 kew..
xpon kene kumpol duit gaji beli sendirik..kihkihkih..
besnyer kalo blh beli skrg....eemmmmm

digital camera mcm pic kt ats da skrg trend org pkai camera yg besor2..
pelik dulo lg kecik lg mhl,skrg da tebalik...

rmai org pkai camera mcm ni pon mcm nk beli jgk satu..(^-^)

tp g usha harge aritu emmm....ribu-ribuan rget..hold dulo lah...
tp nmpak cool n bergaye jew bile snap gambo..heheh...
nafsu neh!!..i hatelas but not least,
mencari laptop baru,lappy lame da mcm xuptodate...
kalo en.boyfren bace nih mesti marah!..
kan bes kalo leh dpt sume ni dlm ms terdekat....arghhh...
kene jimat more weekend outing..

damn!..suddenly mcm nk g holiday lak..
cam bes je kan...huhuh..
pompuan mmg cpt berubah & byk nafsu...
sapew setuju put ur hands up okeyh!!..hahaha

Location:My tiny room

so,utk mengembalikan kecerian mood sy memilih kaler pink gitu utk wall..ahaks..skt da fall in love with dark pink not shining pink oke!
mcm kanak2 ribena eventho umo da meningkat suke oke!..
n dlm frame yg bunge2 kaler pink jgk tu,ialah my hubster pic..peneman di kala rindu ..ahaks!!..
tp peneman yg selalu di pelok,dicium secara zahirnya ialah Mr.Beary yg comot..dala kaler coklat pahtu kt bontot die da koyak tp belom dijahit...tgu yer mr.beary...huhuhuh..

till then,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Missing Him

i'm far from my hubster...:(

owh,put aside dat feeling fes...huhu
must be strong n positive gul like wat my hubby wants..
sungguh kegedikkan n kebibikan..heheh

sy punye blog nih mcm idup segan tp mati xmau2 jgk..huhu
on & off...

but, 1 day sy nk blog sy femes mcm blog owg ln jgk..


buleh ke?..hekhekhek

* bru balik g gym..hakhakhakk kerempeng pon ade hati g gym..xtahan mak nyah!!!