actually, last week saye n nurol telah pon ber outing together looking for her wedding things la..
so, after walked few hours..tibe2 terstuck at this place..wats the best part is,all the "tuttt" sume chomel2 n cute2..terase mcm nk borong hampeh satu pon can't afford to buy..very juz touch n see je la kan...hahah
& da excited part is we went to midvaley by wearing a face mask since our gov da warn us to be more sensitive to prevent this very2 bad & clever viruses..but, da funny part is before sye pkai that face mask, saye dengan eksennyer telah meneyeh (btol ke x ek speling) lipgloss kt my lips la kan..vogue la konon..huhuhu..then, pkai mask..ntah pape...(hope u all paham la erk)..bkn org nmpak pon...wat a wasted my expensive lipgloss..heheh
Then we walked and survey a few shop at every, below pic is da hasil wat we got that day...hahah
ni time nurol tgh mencube a few wedding ring at Diamond & Platinum
tibe2 saye rse suke dgn gmbar look!!!..i like...
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